Your Words and Thoughts Have Physical Power–Thoughts From Will Smith
The list of movies that Will Smith has starred in range from the portrayal of real people in Ali and The Pursuit of Happyness to science fiction thrillers, Men In Black (1, 2, and 3) I, Robot, Independence Day, and I Am Legend, and generally likable characters in Wild, Wild West and Hancock. He began his career as a rapper and the star of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air TV comedy. But perhaps he is most interesting for his candid conversations about the importance of committing “ourselves to something and making it real in the universe.” In a collection of Will Smith interviews, captured in a single YouTube video that can be found at , Smith talks about his beliefs and world view. He begins by saying, “I love living—you can’t fake it.”
Will shares that it is important to believe you can accomplish the impossible. He says that being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity. He illustrates his point by sharing how unrealistic it was to think you could walk into a room, flip a switch and have instant light—until Edison made it so. And that it was equally unrealistic that you could shape metal in a certain way and fly—until of course the Wright brothers flew at Kitty Hawk. He goes on to say that you don’t start out trying to build the biggest brick wall in the world, instead you start by laying the best brick as perfectly as you can and then adding another and another in the same way until you have reached your goal.
As an obvious positive role model and mentor, Will encourages people to commit themselves to making a difference and changing someone else’s life for the better. This commitment begins with a choice and according to Smith, there is a redemptive power in making a choice—in knowing who you are working to become and how you will get there. We all have an opportunity to make a difference and can do something to change the world, both directly and indirectly. We need to find a cause we believe in and then go to work.