Outstanding Opportunities
Eager Employees
URxlent hires hard-working people who are interested in growing both personally and professionally. URx supports its employees by setting them up for success and providing ongoing training and mentoring. We are looking to build our "frontline staff", "middle managers", and "executive leadership" teams. Please learn more.
Fabulous Freelancers
Self-employed, independent contractors (SEICs) have autonomy to do work they love. SEIC's choose to work full or part time and help define their scope of work. URx supports its SEICs by providing honest and productive feedback. We are looking for SEICs who are fabulous freelancers, outsourced workers, and commissioned earners. Learn More.
Staunch Supporters
URxlent has intern positions which allow people to learn while earning school credit. Intern positions are generally face-to-face. We also have extern positions. Externs join us and work virtually. URxlent staff supports interns and externs by offering professional development and coaching. We connect volunteers with our non-profit affiliate. Please Learn More.

Who Could Work with URx?
Are you a learner? Are you interested in the opportunity to develop skills in a real world setting? Are you interested in reaching your potential?

People Like You!
URxlent is in the business of developing people and as part of the team you will benefit from our experience and expertise.
Not quite sure yet?
Why not visit our contact page, we would love to chat with you!