Importance of Self Awareness

Are you interested in personal growth and development?  Do you want to accurately perceive and understand you own emotions, behaviors, thoughts, and the influence you have on the world around you?  Are you interested in becoming more self-aware and intentional?  Self-awareness allows you to become the best possible version of yourself.  It is the foundation you need to empower you to make your dreams a reality.

When you are self-aware you are can identify your strengths and weaknesses.  You can leverage your strengths and go to work on your weaknesses to help you become more well-rounded.  Knowing your strengths and weaknesses empowers you to set realistic goals for yourself and a path to achieving them.

Being self-aware can help you manage your emotions.  Emotions are biological responses to a stimulus.  You can’t stop emotions from occurring, but you can recognize when you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed or stressed.  You can place distance between your reactions and your responses when  you understand your emotions—which of course, will lead to better mental health, positive relationships, and increased productivity.

Self-awareness helps you develop stronger relationships.  We live in social environments which can be neutral, positive, or negative.  Understanding how our words and more importantly our actions not only affect us but those around us, can lead to positive relationships.  We all have tendencies which do not serve us well if we want to intentionally build positive relationships.  For example, if you tend to talk over people, you could improve your relationships with others by becoming a better listener.  It is important we learn to collaborate and communicate within a team which allows everyone to contribute.

Self-awareness helps you to stay the course and be true to your “true-north principles”.  Self-awareness is a way to listen to yourself and stay focused on your values, your vision, your personal mission, and beliefs.  You can focus on these “true-north principles” which will guide you when making decisions which are authentic to who you are.

Self-awareness is a critical component of personal growth and development.  URxlent (and we do believe that you are) has a course entitled “Sure Self-Awareness” which will help you tune into your authentic self.